Tiger (Panthera tigris)
Number 0023
My mom asked me to draw a white tiger. White tigers are not a separate species or even subspecies of tiger: they’re exactly the same as the more common orange tigers, but with a gene mutation that makes their fur white. They also have light eyes, usually blue like this guy’s.
These drawings are great! The tiger is my favorite animal. My blog is http://www.ichristians.blogspot.com
You will like it if you are a christian, but even if you aren’t a christian and want to become one you can read my “Welcome!” article.
Your drawings are soo cool! I wish I was as good as a drawer as you. Challenge= try drawing a giraffe
Well, thank you, Jessica! It really mostly takes a lot of practice. Do you like this giraffe, which I drew in February 2009?
Ilove your work and i wish that i could some day be as good as you are. can you try to draw a monkey for me.
Thanks, Susan! That’s so nice! I’ve drawn a lot of monkeys. Do any of these suit you? Or is there a particular species you like?
Hey there im an artist like you and i wanted to show you a drawing i did of a tiger,http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs698.snc4/63879_110609338999988_100001527679042_78017_4675316_n.jpg I hope you like it i love drawing we should talk sometime :] you can contact me at raven.foxfeather.jenson9@gmail.com
http://shadow970.deviantart.com/art/My-Drawing-of-a-Tiger-358284473 Someone is claiming your artwork on another site, I suggest you deal with it before it gets out of hand.
@GabriellaAddison Thank you, Gabriella. I appreciate the heads-up. I’m contacting the site now.