…And she’s OFF!

Hello everyone! Thanks for checking in on Jennifer during her 24-hour Daily Mammal Marathon (or Mammalthon as we like to call it here at Daily Mammal Worldwide HQ).
Jennifer got off to a bright fresh start just before 10:00 AM Mountain Time (Noon Eastern Time — duh), and as you can see from the photos, she was bright and cheery and ready for a day-long, night-long, morning-long drawfest!
I’ll be posting periodic updates throughout the marathon. Jennifer is really excited about embarking on this project, and I know she’d appreciate a comment or two of encouragement now and then.
If you’re a sponsor, maybe you’ll see YOUR mammal come up, fresh off the drawing board, just as it’s being posted to the world!
Hi Jennifer! I’m watching your mammal progress! Looking good!
— Claire
Go Jennifer! I wonder if there’s a world record for most mammals drawn?
Thanks, guys! Good thinking, Joe! Someone look that up for me!
Hi Jennifer-
WHee! It’s ON—I agree, I think you should call up the Guiness people. Their might be some sort of record in this.
Keep going! It’s fun to watch.
you are sooo amazing. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
I’ll be watching from colorado!!
I am so proud of you !!!
yay!! unfortunately i’m at home (where internet access is less than stellar), but i’ll check in when possible!
go mammals!!