24 Mammals in 24 Hours Sold Out!

The first-ever Daily Mammal special event, 24 Mammals in 24 Hours, looks to be a success, so far! Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to Defenders of Wildlife and requested a mammal: 26 people in all!
I’m going to leave the donations open for now, so if you want to donate at least $25, request a mammal, and get the original art in the mail, you still can, just know that it’s very likely that I won’t draw it during the same 24 hours as the others! But I will draw additional requests in the order I receive them, at least one a day, and I’ll take down the donate button on Saturday.
To learn more about this event, read this post. And stop by throughout the day this Saturday, December 22, to cheer me on! I plan to start drawing around 8 or 9 am MST. See you then, and thanks again for your support!
Photo above by T-Bone Sandwich, licensed through Creative Commons.