24 Hours: Stoat (Mustela something)
Number 0096
For Heather, a stoat! Do stoats eat oats? (I’m a little sleep deprived. Please forgive me.)
Twenty-two down, two to go!
Now playing: Steely Dan – Hey Nineteen
via FoxyTunes
For Heather, a stoat! Do stoats eat oats? (I’m a little sleep deprived. Please forgive me.)
Twenty-two down, two to go!
Now playing: Steely Dan – Hey Nineteen
via FoxyTunes
stoat stoat stoat!
i don’t know if stoats eat oats or hang out with goats, but either way, this stoat is very cool!
Stoats get my votes! This stoat’s eyes are way too big, and I may redraw it for you.